Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/149

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What We Overheard

west side, an' I reckoned as how thet mout likely be ther gal's room. I went clar 'round ter make sure, but thar warn't no other glimmer enywhere. Didn't strike me I had nuthin' ter be afeerd of, with nobody but the young gal et home. I reckoned as how she'd know me, and wouldn't likely make no fuss, afore I could explain how I cum thar, an' I sure wanted ter git inside outer thet cold rain. I didn't know how long it might be 'fore you fellers come. Wall, when I crept up on the front piazza, the furst thing I see was a winder smashed in, an' I got through thar, an' across the room to ther door leadin' inter the hall, afore I saw eny signs of enybody. Then I glimpsed a light in the room opposite, an' seed the gal sittin' in front o' ther fireplace. I didn't know thar wus a soul else in the house, an' thet fire looked so good, I just up an' stepped inter the room afore I thought. Then I see this yere Yank a sittin' at the table eatin'."

"He was in uniform?"

"Sure; wet and muddy as if he hedn't bin inside long either, an' he didn't leave me no time fer ter back out. He hed me covered almost 'fore I see him; but the gal jumped up an' told him who I wus, an' he put back the pistol, an' sat thar while she questioned me right smart."

"Well, what did you tell her?"