Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/166

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ANSE—Kelly, are either of you there?"

There was the sound of chairs being pushed hastily back from a table, and rapid steps on the floor.

"Yes; what's wrong? Have you found something?"

"Sure; Bill an' I saw them; they were a tryin' ter git the hoss; but afore either of us could fire, they sorter slipped 'long back o' ther fence, an' got away. It's darker'n hell out thar, an' Bill sed fer me ter cum in yere an' tell yer that if you 'en Kelly wud cut across the road, an' sorter head the cusses off we'd bag the two easy."

"Whar's the rest of ther boys?"

"Ridin' the Lewisburg pike accordin' ter orders, I reckon. Leastwise we ain't seen 'em since yer tol' us ter watch ther stable. Bill an' I can't round them up alone."

"All right, Dave. Where are they now?"

"In ther orchard, a creepin' 'long the fence. Bill's followin' 'em up, an' all you got ter do is run 'long