Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/175

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Waiting the Next Move

were those of prayer, or not, I was uncertain. That the fellow's brain tottered on the brink of total collapse was evident, and I was too fearful he might create alarm to desert my guard. Eager to learn what had occurred I called across to the girl:

"Is it the stable, Miss Noreen?"

"Yes," with a quick glance backward. "The whole west end is ablaze; I think it was fired in two places."

"Do you see anything of the men?"

"Not clearly, except two or three passing back and forth between the house and the stable. I think there are horses picketed beyond in the orchard, but am not sure—yes, there are men there with them. The fire, as it blazes up, gives me a better view."

"Can you tell how many?"

"No—they form merely a shadow under the trees where the light streams; occasionally one moves, and stands out separate enough to reveal himself as a man. I cannot really tell anything about them—but—but I didn't suppose Anse Cowan had so many with him, did you?"

"Why, really I cannot tell, for I have no conception either way. There must have been a dozen altogether in the house, and doubtless others were on guard without. Hasn't it ceased storming?"

"Yes; I wonder what time it is; why I actually