Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/195

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Before Lieutenant Raymond

evidently far from satisfied himself, yet unwilling to make final decision unaided.

"I hardly know just what to do," he confessed reluctantly. "Ordinarily, you know, a lady's word would be sufficient, but somehow, I—I—well this looks just a little queer. What do you think, Lieutenant?"

"That the fellow ought to be taken before Major Hawes, and made to explain what purpose brought him here. I have no desire to question Miss Harwood; indeed, I am perfectly willing to accept her statement. But this man is not a civilian—he is a soldier; he has had military training. He should be made to account for himself, sir." The speaker's eyes fell upon the preacher, huddled back in the corner, now clearly revealed by the gray daylight which was stealing in through the windows. "Hullo! here seems to be yet another specimen we have overlooked. Who are you?"

Nichols shuffled forward, looking woe-begone and miserable, his cheek disfigured by Cowan's blow, sneak and coward written all over him. His shifting eyes met mine, and he must have read in my gaze a threat he dare not ignore. Twice his mouth opened and closed before he could make words issue.

"One of Cowan's gang?"

"God be praised—no. Made to serve that