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The Red Mist

gravely, standing before me, "I desire to be heard, and to answer this gentleman's question. I sought to save Sergeant Wyatt because of our early friendship, and also because of the special service he has rendered me during the past night. I know nothing of his purpose here, but—but I hold him friend whatever may be his uniform."

The lieutenant bowed, hat in hand.

"I intended no criticism of your motives, but a soldier must perform his duty. Under whose orders are you here, Wyatt?"

"Those of General Jackson, sir."

"Ah! the old fox is casting his eyes this way for his new campaign. What were your orders?"

"I refuse to answer."

"No? Well, Ramsay will get a reply out of you!"

"I hardly think so, sir. You hang spies, but do not torture them."

"True enough," and Whitlock stepped to the door. "Sergeant, bring a file of men, and take charge of this prisoner. There is nothing to detain us longer. We have extra horses, Captain Fox, and you will ride with us as far as Lewisburg; Miss Harwood, I presume you have no desire to remain here alone—indeed, I could not permit it. Better bind the fellow's hands, Harper; search him first for weapons,