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The Red Mist

fate which befalls a spy when captured by the enemy. In your case there seems to be no defense possible—you wear Federal uniform; were within our lines, and papers have been found on you of a most incriminating character. It is my understanding you make no denial."

"None whatever, sir; it would be useless."

"You have no reason to expect mercy?"

"No, sir."

"Yet there is always a way in which mercy can be extended," he went on earnestly. "Doubtless you possess information which would be of the utmost value to us. I shall gladly use my influence on your behalf if the circumstances warrant."

"You mean, of course, if I will answer such question as you may ask me? "

"That is my meaning. You are from Jackson's headquarters?"

"I am here under his orders."

"The probability is, then, that you possess knowledge of the utmost value to us—worth, let me say, the sparing of life."

I glanced aside at Fox, and caught the look of appeal in his face; then back into the expectant eyes of the colonel.

"You have authority to make me this proposition?" I asked quietly.