Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/246

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I SAW him stare, open mouthed, as though at a ghost. There was a startled look in his face, but no recognition. The same swift glimpse had revealed to me a discarded belt on the end of the desk, in which glittered the pearl handle of a revolver. With one step forward I had the weapon in my possession, and sprang between both men and the door.

"Not a single move, gentlemen!" I commanded crisply, yet not enturing to speak loud, for fear of a guard outside. "Lieutenant, place your gun on the desk!"

He had it half-drawn, but my weapon was aimed straight at his head.

"What the hell!" he sputtered.

"Never mind! Do as I say first, and then ask questions—take it by the barrel; now slide it across to me."

My eyes glanced aside at the face of the other, who was looking up, scarcely comprehending even yet what had occurred, and recognized Colonel Pickney. So I had blindly strayed into headquarters!