Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/312

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The Red Mist

And you say it struck him? Lord! I never knew. Help me to sit up, Noreen."

With the aid of her arms I found support against the table, my senses coming back with change of posture, the air inhaled by my lungs bringing a corresponding strength. I could speak without pain, and my breathing grew more natural. The blue coat I wore showed clearly the mark of the bullet, and blood discolored the burned cloth. I ran my hand within, touching the flesh.

"A mere scratch," I said lightly, "requiring a little water. Don't cry, Noreen; there is no harm done; I'll be all right in a minute. Are you sure Cowan is dead?"

"Yes; he—he hasn't moved since; but—but I didn't kill him."

"Of course not, and I'm glad I did. That is part of my trade, and I'll not lose any sleep over it. Ah! I can get up alone, and the first thing I am going to do is to bar that door."