Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/315

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We Understand Each Other

control fifty or more men, with headquarters near Union in Green Briar Mountains; raid indiscriminately; have attacked our forage trains; refuse to cooperate, and continue to terrorize a large section; raided Lewisburg before it was occupied by troops, killing several, and looting the shops. Is considered the most dangerous gang operating in Green Briar and Monroe Counties; reports of atrocities received almost daily, many too hideous to repeat."

I glanced up at Noreen, and her eyes met mine inquiringly.

"Is this your father's handwriting?" I asked, holding the paper toward her.

"Yes; what is it? important?"

"Not very complimentary to Cowan here. A report to General Halleck, at Washington, of conditions in Western Virginia. I wonder how the old villain ever learned that such a paper was being forwarded?"

"It is not likely he did," she answered thoughtfully. "It may have been mere accident which put the document in his hands. See, here is a letter that father wrote," and she stooped and picked it up from the floor, uttering an exclamation of surprise. "Why, it—it is addressed to Ned Cowan at Union! What could he have possibly written this man about?"