Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/321

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We Understand Each Other

I stopped, unable to express the thing I desired to say, and the silence seemed long. I lifted my eyes, and she was looking at me.

"May I ask you one question?"

"A dozen."

"No, the one is all. You really believed those who attacked us were Cowan's men?"

"I had no other thought, Miss Noreen."

"Then your proposal was merely made in the hope of thus protecting me from insult?"

"That was my sole thought at the time," I replied soberly. "It was a desperate chance, yet the only one apparently left us. That is what I wanted to say, to explain," I went on hastily, before she could interrupt. "I realize the serious mistake made, and how embarrassing it must all be to you. But you must believe me a gentleman. I would never have spoken one word; never have made any claim upon you. Miss Noreen, I realize that I have no right."

"You may call me Noreen," she said simply. "We have been friends, and I think we will always be. I do trust you, and believe in you; only I wanted to understand fully your motive. I do not blame you, nor myself; we did what seemed best at the time, and—and now we must meet the issue as we best can. Perhaps I should not have said