Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/330

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The Red Mist

while before I recognized the place myself. I had to laugh when the truth finally came to me; that is Cane Ridge."

"Where—where the Baptist church is?"

"Exactly; where Parson Nichols points out to his congregation the straight and narrow way. There is a bridle-path yonder leading up from the valley, which will save us a five mile detour. But it means we are still in Cowan's country, and to climb there with horses will require the use of daylight."

"You think Anse—"

"Is probably back before this, and doing his best to trail us. Even if he does not discover the body of old Ned, he will naturally conclude we will head east. My only hope is that not having seen us last night he may imagine we chose the southern route, and ride there first. But if he did, doubtless he would send some of his men scouting this way."

"You have heard—seen nothing?"

"No, we are too far back; the noise of an army passing along the pike would not reach here. If we get to Cane Ridge Church before dark, we must trust to luck, and the night for the next thirty miles."

"You fear Cowan's gang more than the troops? Surely they will pursue?"