Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/352

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The Red Mist

"Naw;' we didn't stop fer nuthin'. We thought the way you fellers was a'ridin' yer hed a hot trail, an' so we rode like hell ter git in at the death. 'Tain't likely thar's enyone inside the meetin' house, but I reckon we may as well be sure as long as we're here. No damn fool would hide this close ter the pike. That you, Kelly?"

There was a meaningless growl from an advancing group of horsemen, and Anse swore, spurring his horse forward to meet them.

"By God, Kelly! I've had enough of your damned grouch. Either you'll do as I say, or I'll cave the side of your head in, and have done with it. I've had enough! do you hear? I reckon I'm just as interested in overhaulin' that cuss as you are. Now you obey my orders, an' be quick about it; give me another line of back talk, you Irish bastard, an' I'll blow the whole top of your head off! You're what? Joking! Well, let up on that kind, will you? I'm in no humor for it. Take three or four men, and ride over the ridge, back as far as the rock. The sojers are goin' ter halt yere a minute."

Kelly and his little squad trotted past us, circling the end of the building, the remainder of the group of horsemen, evidently composed of Cowan's gang of cut-throats, scattering along the roadside, with no semblance to military discipline. A few kept to their