Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/358

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The Red Mist

ently. Fair cousin, I do not know where to hide you in safety. This is going to be a real fight, or I am greatly mistaken, and bullets fly wild through the dark."

"I suggest the tower," I interrupted, "with the ladder drawn up; the heavy puncheon floor will be sufficient protection."

"I thought of that expedient," he admitted, "but we will let the lady decide."

"If it is left to me," she said quietly, "I prefer to go with Tom Wyatt."

"But you do not understand," I broke in hastily, my pulses throbbing at her unexpected decision. "They may attack—"

"Oh, yes, the lady does, Wyatt," chuckled the lieutenant, his reckless good nature in no wise lost by the desperation of our position. "She is a Harwood, that's all. Lord! I knew what her choice would be before ever I asked the question. Greetings, fair cousin; now I know we are kin. Hullo! here comes the cavalry! Now, men, to your posts—and stand up to the music."

I caught her hand in mine, still doubtful as to her real purpose. In the reflection of the moonlight I could perceive the outline of her face, and knew her eyes were uplifted frankly to mine.

"You—you mean that, Noreen?"