Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/369

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We Drive Them

action, ready for whatever might occur. I passed along the wall from man to man, assuring myself each was at his station, with loaded weapon, and well filled cartridge belt.

"The fight will begin in front," I whispered, unable to distinguish faces, "and no firing here until I give the word."

In the darker corner where the prisoner sat motionless against the log wall, my eyes could distinguish nothing.


"Yes," and she stood up. "Couldn't you see me?"

"Not the faintest shadow. Your prisoner is quiet?"

"He hasn't even spoken, and as his hands and feet are bound, he is very easily guarded. You think they will attack?"

"Beyond question; they are getting ready now, and I can only remain here a moment. I—I wanted to thank you for the choice you made."

"You mean my coming with you? You are glad I did?"

"Yes, very glad," I said earnestly, "for you are just as safe here, and—and I would rather have you near me. This may prove a desperate struggle; we are terribly outnumbered—and—and, well you