Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/381

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A Way of Escape

He lifted his cap gallantly, and turned away, humming some gay tune softly as he felt his way along the moonlit aisle. His very light-heartedness left me sober and depressed. She must have realized all this, for her handclasp tightened.

"You are sorry? You wished me to go?"

"I hardly know, Noreen; I have every confidence in Fox—who is making that noise? is it the preacher?"

He was propped up against the wall, not far from us, and I bent over, noting how he was bound. Instantly I cut the cords, and began rubbing the man's wrists to restore circulation.

"I never noticed you were strung up like that, Nichols," I said earnestly. "Who did the job?"

"The sergeant," he answered, choking. "I tried ter speak as soon as I saw you an' the lady yere, but I couldn't git the gag out 'er my mouth. Bend down a bit lower; I don't want none o' them sojers ter hear."

"All right—what is it?"

"Yer ol' Jedge Wyatt's boy, ain't yer?"


"An' she's the darter o' Major Harwood?"

"This is Noreen Harwood."

"I thought so, but thar ain't hardly light 'nough fer me ter be sure. I married yer over cross ther