Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/384

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The Red Mist

south side, right down 'gainst the bottom; ther cover ter the opening is screwed tight by a wheel. Ol' Ned Cowan made ther contraption, an' yer kin stand on ther upper step an' open an' shut the thing, an' never git yer feet wet."

"The entire cover comes off?"

"Sure, if yer unscrew it fer enough."

"And how big is the opening?"

"Wal, I don't jist know, but I've crawled through thar fixing a leak, an' if I did it onct, I reckon I kin again. 'Taint mor'n 'bout six feet beyond ther wall till it hits the edge o' ther ravine. Thet's why the Yanks didn't make no attack on thet side o' ther church—thar ain't no room."

The whole situation lay clear before me. I had no thought of utilizing this unexpected opportunity myself, for I meant to stay with the others, and perform my part of the fighting to the end. But here was protection, and possible escape, for Noreen. Yet could the preacher be trusted? Would he play fair if I released him, and left them alone together? Did not his interests also lie in getting away safely? What act of treachery could he commit? and, besides the girl was armed.

"How do you light this church?"

"Candles mostly," surprised at the question, "yer ain't goin' fer ter light up, are yer?"