Page:Randall Parrish - The Red Mist.djvu/386

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The Red Mist

Don't take your eyes off him, Noreen; the moment that trap door closes light the candle, and keep the revolver ready. Make him unscrew the cap, and leave it off out of the way. Set the candle down in one corner as far back as possible. You better go out first."

"I—I am not to wait for you?" bewildered.

"Not in there—no; outside, for they might fire the building. Nichols, where is the best place for the two of you to hide so I could find you?"

"In the woods to the west; there is a trail half way down the ravine a climbin' up—an ol' hog trail."

My fingers touched his throat, and I bent lower staring straight into his eyes.

"Now, mark well what I say, Nichols. I am going to release you, and give you a chance to get away. But you stay, with the woman—do you hear! Stay with her until you both reach the Confederate lines at Covington. If I ever get out of here alive, and learn you have attempted any trick, I'll run you down, Nichols, if it takes ten years. Now I'll cut the rope, and you creep over to where that ring is in the floor, and wait my order."

Evidently his limbs were numb from the tight cord, for he crept the few feet painfully, and then sat up rubbing the afflicted parts with both hands.