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The Red Mist

He laughed, and the second match went out, leaving us again in darkness.

"Nor was it, officially; merely a friendly letter from an officer on Heitzelman's staff to our Major, asking for you a friendly reception. Camp gossip brought the news to me. You knew Harwood?"

"No; only General Ramsay advised me to confer with him, because of his intimate knowledge of this section. He belonged, I believe, in Green Briar?"

"Yes, we were at his place yesterday; south of Lewisburg. What sort of a looking man was this fellow Taylor?"

I described him minutely, hoping for some recognition, but the Captain did not appear to recall any such character.

"We have only been in this region a few months," he said, in explanation, "and I don't remember any such chap. He is none of Ramsay's scouts. What do you say, Snow?"

"Only man like that I've heard of, sir, is old Ned Cowan, and it ain't likely he's left the mountins to go into 'Old Jack's' camp."

Fox laughed, as though the idea amused him.

"Hardly. Cowan is too well known to take the risk. Either side would hang the hound on sight. Well, let's ride along into Hot Springs. You'll come with us, Lieutenant?"