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command of Prince Kharak Singh, was despatched to Peshawar with orders to buy the mare, or seize her, and if Yár Muhammad would not part with her to depose him from the governorship. The Prince marched to Pesháwar, and Yár Muhammad, who considered that his honour was involved in not surrendering the mare, fled to the hills. Prince Kharak Singh, after holding Peshawar for eight months, retired, leaving Sirdár Sultán Muhammad Khán as governor: but the Sikh army had not proceeded further than Attock when Yár Muhammad returned and drove out the new governor. General Ventura, who had been left in command of the Sikh army at Attock, was now directed by the Mahárájá to try his hand at the business of the acquisition of the horse, for which he was to offer any price which would be accepted, but, if refused, was to renew hostilities. While Yár Muhammad was hesitating as to his reply, Khalifa Syad Ahmad again descended from the hills and ravaged the villages north of Pesháwar, and the governor, who attempted to drive him back, was killed in the fight which ensued. Láili however had not been surrendered, and General Ventura, after having defeated Syad Ahmad, encamped before Pesháwar and demanded the animal from Sultán Muhammad Khán, whom he promised to confirm in the governorship if he gave her up. But Sultán Muhammad tried as many subterfuges as his brother, and it was not till Ventura had arrested him in his own palace and threatened to hold him a prisoner till Láili was