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transgressions. Nor, according to the teaching of the Granth, has man much choice in his personal conduct, for his destiny is absolutely fixed for him and is indeed emblazoned on his forehead. Nothing is more clear than the denial of freewill; and further, however virtuous the tendencies of a human soul may be, it is for ever surrounded by Māya, or delusion, which cannot but lead him astray. Virtue, passion, and ignorance are the three qualities, one of which is predominant in each human soul, and as the one or the other is supreme, so is the character of a man in this world and his fortune in the next determined.

Escape from transmigration, the ever-present terror, was thus the powerful influence which was to consolidate the new creed and attract disciples. As the keys of heaven and hell were entrusted to Saint Peter, and their presumed possession has given to the Church of Rome its immense vitality and influence over the minds of men, so the power of remission claimed by the Guru in the matter of transmigration has given to Sikhism the greater part of its attractiveness. In the deserts of the Firozpur district, where Govind Singh fought a battle with the imperial troops and was defeated, he promised this exemption from transmigration (mukht) to all his followers who should fall in action; and in memory of this deliverance a town was founded and a tank built, which is still a favourite place of pilgrimage under the name of Mukatsar.

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