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is necessary here is to explain the general Sikh organization in misls or confederacies and the districts which were held by the several chiefs.

The Sikh misls were, in popular estimation, twelve in number, and although this enumeration is misleading, and several of the included confederacies were hardly of sufficient importance to warrant their being placed in the list, yet it may for convenience be here adhered to. I will, however, place them in what I consider the order of their importance at the time of the birth of Mahárájá Ranjít Singh.

  1. Phúlkian.
  2. Ahluwalia.
  3. Bhangi.
  4. Kanheya.
  5. Rámgarhia.
  6. Singhpúria.
  7. Krora Singhia.
  8. Nishánia.
  9. Sukarchakia.
  10. Dulelwala.
  11. Nakkais.
  12. Shahíds.

Of these, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11, held lands north of the Sutlej, and the remaining six, south of that river. The Phúlkian misl was composed of a group of chiefs descended from a common ancestor, and represented at the present day by their descendants, the Mahárájá of Patiála, the Rájás of Jind and Nábha, the Sirdárs of Bhadour, Malod and many others of less importance. It played a very important part in early Sikh history, but in spite of the family connection of its members or perhaps in consequence of it, united action by the misl was rare and its power was not equal to its opportunities.

The Ahluwalia family was founded by Sádho Singh,