Page:Rape of Prosperine - Claudian (1854).djvu/21

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These hands shall loose the chains of Saturn old,
Victorious Darkness shall thy Light enfold,
And through Avernus' shades its brilliant car be roll'd."
Scarce had he spoken, when his herald past
The starry portals; Jove hath heard, and cast
Around His dubious thoughts, inquiring whom
Such bridal might allure to seek the Stygian gloom.
Nor dubious long the thought; in Henna's shade
One daughter Ceres reared, one only maid;
Lucina bless'd her with no second birth;
Yet was that child all other children worth;
And none might dare her barrenness deride,
Whose lack of offspring Proserpine supplied.
Her, fondling still, she follows everywhere:
Not more the calf its lowering parent's care,
Ere wide its feet begin the earth to throw,
Ere curves the crescent on its budding brow.
But now the days of maidenhood bring on
Age not unmeet for nuptial benison;
And tenderer thoughts in that pure mind are bred,
And innocent wishes strive with bashful dread.
And soon loud suitors seek the maiden's home;
Shield-bearing Mars, and archer Phœbus come: