Page:Rape of Prosperine - Claudian (1854).djvu/26

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Haste to Sicania's borders, and persuade,
With arts that never fail, the beauteous maid,
Soon as the golden sun brings on the day,
Abroad in happy sportiveness to stray.
Yes, those soft fires, with which thy potent charm
Hath oft inflamed me, other realms shall warm.
The gloomiest shades shall feel their gentle heat;
Erinnys' heart with throbs tumultuous beat;
Remotest Acheron, severest Dis,
Shall own the power of love, and share its bliss!
Venus obeys in haste, and with her move
Pallas, and She (so wills their parent Jove)
Who bears the flexile bow, Arcadia's dread;
Their path draws brightness from th' immortal tread.
So, messenger of evil omen, flies
A blood-stain'd comet through the lurid skies,
And shakes malignant from its threatening hair
Portentous redness on the troubled air.
The sailor trembles at that dismal view;
Its dire approach the mourning nations rue:
For still, where seen, its baleful beams presage
The foeman's onset, or the tempest's rage.
They reach the place, where Ceres' dwelling stands,
The stately work of Cyclopean hands.