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To the Reader.

Rump aſſembled, and ſtinking in Conſort. If you think this ſecond Edition might be ſpared, I muſt borrow my Apology from their Sermons, who were Preachers to the Rump; which, for the moſt part, were nothing but Repetition and Tautology, or a Rump of ſtaler Mutton haſh’d by ill looks, where all the parts being minced exceeding ſmall, loſt their order and diſtinction. And where that which was the Preface would as well have ſerved for the Concluſion, and both the Preface and Concluſion would equally have paſt for the Middle of the dry Diſcourſe. If you ask me, Why being dead and rotten, the unſavoury remembrance of them is preſerved by theſe Papers: It is, becauſe whilſt they lived, they were a kind of Purrezes, whoſe buſineſs was to ſuck the blood of the Nation, and to break our ſleeps by ſtinging; and who
