Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/12

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viii Preface might profitably be used by the high-school student. Lastly, under C, the teacher and advanced university student will find the necessary guidance in carrying on his work as far as he may feel inclined. In the preparation of the present volume I am under special obligations to Miss Ellen Scott Davison, who greatly aided me in the quest for suitable material and in the transla- tion, and to Miss Louise Ropes Loomis, Lecturer in Barnard College, who prepared portions of the bibliographies and also forwarded the translation. With the kind permission of my friends, Professors Cheyney and Munro, I have used some of the extracts which have already appeared in the Translations and Reprints, of which we three were the original editors. I have also included some of the pieces in Dr. Henderson's very useful Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages, but I have frequently preferred a different rendering from his. I am also indebted to the translations in the Bohn series, although here, too, I have freely modified the wording in the interests of accuracy and clearness. I owe most of all, perhaps, to the admirable Geschichtschreiber der deutschen Vorzeit in clearing up the occasional obscurities of the mediaeval chroniclers. My indebtedness to a consid- erable number of translators and editors is acknowledged in the list of citations which follows. J. H. R. HIGH MOWING, JAFFREY, N.H., September i, 1904.