Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/15

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Contents and List of Citations xi IV. How Pope Leo saved Rome from Attila PAGB 15. Prosper's account of the meeting of Leo and Attila . . 49 PROSPER TIRO, Epitoma chronicon, ad an. 450: Mon. Ger. Hist., Auc. ant. IX 1 6. Later account of Leo's intervention 50 Vita S. Leonis Pafae, Lib. i, c. 2 ; Acta sanctorum, April, J I j IP V. Clovis and the Franks 17. Gregory of Tours and his history of the Franks ... 51 Historiae ecclesiasticcie Francorum libri X, Lib. ii, cc. 27, 29-31 : Mon. Ger. Hist., SS. rer. Mer., I CHAPTER IV THE RISE OF THE PAPACY I. The Bishop of Rome and the Headship of the Church 18. Irenaeus' catalogue of the bishops of Rome 63 Contra haereses, Lib. iii, c. 3, 2-3: Migne, Pat. Graec. VII, cols. 848 sqq. ; trans, in Library of Ante-Nicene Fathers, V 19. Tertullian on the distinction of the Roman Church . . 64 (a) De praescriptione haereticorum, c. 36 : Migne, Pat. Lat. II, cols. 9 sqq. ; trans, in Library of Ante-Nicene Fathers, XV. (b) De Pudicitia, c. 21 : Corpus script, eccl. Lat. XX; trans, in Library of Ante-Nicene Fathers, XVIII 20. Cyprian on the danger of appeals to Rome 66 Ad Cornelittm ; (Ep. 54 or, in some editions, 59) : Corpus script, eccl. Lat. Ill; trans, in Library of Ante-Nicene Fathers, VIII 21. Sixth canon of Nicasa 66 Mansi, Conciliorum collectio, II, 669 sqq. 22. Decretal of Siricius 68 c. xv, 20: Mansi, III, 661, or Migne, Pat. Lat. LVI, coL 554 23. St. Jerome on the equality of the bishops Ad Evangelum (Ep. 146) : Migne, XXII, col. 1194 24. Sermon by Leo the Great on Peter's headship. . . . (a) Sermones, IV : Migne, LIV, cols. 148 sqq. (b) Ad Ana- stashtm efiscofum Thessalonicensem (Ep. 14) : Migne, LIV, col. 676 25. Edict of Valentinian recognizing the supremacy of the bishop of Rome 72 Nffvellae Cod. Theod. II, Lib. iii, tit. xvi 26. Pope Gelasius on the superiority of the spiritual power 72 Ad Anastasiiim imperatorem, c. 2; Migne, LVI, col. 633.