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I2 4 Readings in European History wicked Aistulf will kill us all with one sword. For so he has sworn with rage, and has cast this in our teeth : "Behold, you were surrounded by us and could not escape out of our clutches. Now let the Franks come and wrest you from our grasp." . . . Therefore hear me, O son hear and help us. Behold, now is the time to save us. Save us lest we perish, O most Christian king ! BIBLIOGRAPHY General Discussion of the Work of Charles Martel and Pippin: ADAMS, Civilization, pp. 146-154. Charles Martel: EMERTON, Introduction, Chapter X, pp. 114-134; HENDERSON, Germany in the Middle Ages, pp. 40-46; OMAN, Chap- ter XVII, pp. 289-299. The Arabs their Original Character : GIBBON, Vol. V, Chapter L, first part, pp. 311-332. Mohammed: BEMONT and MONOD, Chapter X, pp. 135-147; GIB- BON, Vol. V, Chapter L, latter part, pp. 333-396. Arab Conquests and Civilization : GIBBON, Vol. V, Chapter LI, pp. 397-494; MUNRO, History of the Middle Ages, Chapter IX, pp. 86-94- Pippin: EMERTON, Chapter XII, pp. 150-179; HENDERSON, pp. 46-56; OMAN, Chapter XIX, pp. 322-334. GILMAN, The Saracens (with an excellent bibliography at the end) ; AMEER ALT, The Life and Teachings of Mohammed and A Short His- tory of the Saracens. Two recent and interesting studies from the point of view of an enlightened Oriental writer. MUIR, Life of Mahomet and Annals of the Earfy Caliphate. The former is the most thorough treat- ment in English ; the latter deals with the fifty years following Moham- med's death. MILMAN, Book IV, Chapters I-II. The whole Koran has been carefully translated by E. H. PALMER, 2 vols., 1880; but most readers will derive far more pleasure and profit from the extracts given in STANLEY LANE-POOLE, Speeches and Table Talk of the Prophet Mohammad, a most charming little book, which helps one to feel the beauty of the poetical passages of the Koran. HODGKIN, Italy and her Invaders, Vol. VII, Book VIII, Chapters Ill-XL