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CHAPTER IX FEUDALISM I. THE OLDER INSTITUTIONS WHICH SERVE TO EXPLAIN FEUDALISM The blank forms (formula) used in drawing up legal contracts are a great aid to the student of history, for they do not apply to a single case only, but indicate the habits of the time. Some examples of the formulae illus- trating the arrangements which underlay feudalism are here given. 1 A. Grants of Immunity from the Visits of the King's Officials We believe that it increases the great strength of our 72. Formula realm, if with benevolent deliberation we concede opportune . , . .,.,,, immunity to benefits to certain churches, or to certain other specified a bishop. parties, and under God's protection write them down to endure permanently. Therefore, may your Zeal know that we have seen fit upon petition to grant such a benefit, for our eternal reward, to that apostolic man, Lord -- , bishop of the city of ; that in the vills belonging to the church of that lord, which he is seen to have at the present time, either by our gift or that of any one else, or which in the future godly piety shall wish to add to the possessions of that holy place, no public judge shall at any time presume to enter, for the hearing of causes or for the exaction of payments, but the prelate himself, or his successors in God's name 1 I have been greatly aided in the preparation of this chapter by Professor Cheyney's " Documents Illustrative of Feudalism." Transla- tions and Reprints, Vol. IV, No. 3. 171