Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/216

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i8o Readings in European History 84. The viscount of Carcassonne does homage to the abbot of St. Mary of Grasse (mo). First they did their homage thus. The count asked the vassal if he were willing to become completely his man, and the other replied, "I am willing"; and with hands clasped, placed between the hands of the count, they were bound to- gether by a kiss. Secondly, he who had done homage gave his fealty to the representative of the count in these words, " I promise on my faith that I will in future be faithful to Count William, and will observe my homage to him com- pletely against all persons, in good faith and without deceit." And, thirdly, he took his oath to this upon the relics of the saints. Afterward the count, with a little rod which he held in his hand, gave investitures to all who by this agreement had given their security and accompanying oath. In the name of the Lord, I, Bernard Atton, viscount of Carcassonne, in the presence of my sons, Roger and Tren- cavel, and of Peter Roger of Barbazan, and William Hugo, and Raymond Mantellini, and Peter de Vitry, nobles, and of many other honorable men, who had come to the monas- tery of St. Mary of Grasse in honor of the festival of the august St. Mary. Since Lord Leo, abbot of the said monas- tery, asked me, in the presence of all those above mentioned, to acknowledge to him the fealty and homage for the castles, manors, and places which the patrons, my ancestors, held from him and his predecessors and from the said monastery as a fief, and which I ought to hold as they held, I have made to the lord abbot Leo acknowledgment and done homage as I ought to do. Therefore, let all present and to come know that I, the said Bernard Atton, lord and viscount of Carcassonne, acknowl- edge verily to thee, my Lord Leo, by the grace of God abbot of .St. Mary of Grasse, and to thy successors, that I hold and ought to hold as a fief, in Carcassonne, the following : that is to say, the castles of Confoles, of Le'ocque, of Capendes (which is otherwise known as St. Martin of Sussagues); and the manors of Mairac, of Albars, and of Musso ; also, in the valley of Aquitaine, Rieux, Traverina, Herault, Archas, Ser- vians, Villatritoes, Tansiraus, Presler, and Cornelles.