Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/219

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II Feudalism 183 from what man, and this one ought to be present and in the fealty of the lord ; and he ought to explain whether it is by purchase, or by escheat, or by inheritance; and with his hands joined, to speak as follows : " Sir, I become your man and promise to you fealty for the future as my lord towards all men who may live or die, rendering to you such service as the fief requires, paying to you your relief, as you are the lord." And he ought to say whether for guardian- ship, or as an escheat, or as an inheritance, or as a purchase. The lord should immediately reply to him, "And I receive you and take you as my man, and give you this kiss as a sign of faith, saving my right and that of others," according to the usage of the various districts. And the lord may take the revenues and the products of the year, if the relief is not paid to him, and also money rents. But no one makes money payments for a guardian- ship, or for a dowry, or for a partition, or for a report of the extent of the fief, according to the usages of various districts ; except in the one case where the one who holds in guardianship ought to give security to the parties that when the child shall come of age, the one who has the guardian- ship will do it at his own expense and at his cost and will guarantee the socage tenants for any payments. This in the case of a fief, but in villanage there is no guardianship. Fulbert, bishop by the grace of God, to Gunther, Viscount 86. How an Hubert, Roger, Bucard, Hugo the son of Hugo, Ottred, ecclesias- Hamelin, Hugo the son of Herbrand, and the wife of Guts- m ip. nt mand, and to all others who hold benefices of the church of punish a St. Mary at Chartres by the gift of Bishop Reginald: vatsaTb 7 I summon you and conjure you in the name of God and excommuni- St. Mary and in our own name, that ye come to us before cation and next Easter and do your service to us or render a just account of your benefices. If you shall not do this, I will excommunicate you for your disobedience ; and I will forbid you to hear the divine office, to receive the communion while you live, and to have (Christian) burial when you die. Yea, verily, I will anathematize the castle of Vindocinium and