Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/229

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Feudalism 193 Layettes du Trtsor des Chartes, edited by TEULET, 3 vols., Paris, 1863- 1875. A collection of the documents in the archives of the French kings, together with many from the archives of the great fiefs of Toulouse, Champagne, Valois, etc. This includes much feudal material. Of the " Cartulaires," or collections of records found in churches and abbeys, may be mentioned : Cartulaire de Fabbaye de Saint-Pere de Chartres, edited by GUERARD, 2 vols., Paris, 1840. (In the Collection de documents inedits.) Particu- larly valuable for the condition of the rural population in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Cartulaire de rtglise de Notre-Dame de Paris, edited by GUERARD. LONGNON, Atlas historique de la France, plates XI, XII, and XIII, furnishes far the best maps of feudal France. The collections from which the illustrations contained in the present chapter were drawn contain many other important examples of feudal arrangements. See list of citations at the opening of this volume, Nos. 70-87.