Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/25

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Contents and List of Citations xxi VI. The Pope explains the Supremacy of the Spiritual Power 115. Letter of Gregory to Bishop Hermann of Metz . . . 284 Contra illos qui stulte dicunt imperatorem excotnmunicari non fosse a Romano pontifice, Ibid. Lib. viii, No. 21 : Jaffe, II, 453 sqq., and Doeberl, III, 40 sqq. The whole letter may be found translated in Henderson's Select Documents VII. The Formal Settlement of the Question of Inves- titure 116. A proposed plan to keep the clergy out of politics . . 290 Paschalis II privilegium frimae conventionis : Mon. Ger. Hist., Leges, II, 68 sq., and Doeberl, III, 56 sqq. 117. Concordat of Worms 292 (a) Priviligium Calixti fafe secundi: Mon. Ger. Hist., Leges, II, 75 sq., and Doeberl, 59 sq. (b) Preceptum Henrici quarti [V] imperatoris, Doeberl, III, 60 sqq.^ as published in the Mittheilungen des Instituts fur Oesterreichischen Geschichte, VI, 105 sqq. CHAPTER XIV THE HOHENSTAUFEN EMPERORS AND THE POPES I. The German Cities begin to take a Hand in Politics 1 18. How Cologne fought Henry V 296 Chronica regia Coloniensis, ad an. 1114 and 1187: ed. by Waitz in Mon. Ger. Hist., octavo ed., pp. 53 sqq. and 136 119. Situation of the towns in the Netherlands 300 REINER, Annales ad an. 1203 and 1212: Mon. Ger. Hist., Pertz, XVI, 656 sq. and 664 II. Otto of Freising's Account of the Italian Cities 120. Emperor Frederick's letter to Otto of Freising . . . 302 OTTO OF FREISING, Gesta Friderici (at opening) : Mon. Ger. Hist., octavo ed., p. i 121. Otto's description of the Lombard towns 303 Ibid. Lib. ii, cc. 13 and I3b : octavo ed., pp. 13 sqq. III. Struggle over the Throne between Philip and Otto 122. How the rivals, Philip and Otto, were elected .... 307 Chronica regia Coloniensis, ad an. 1198 : octavo ed., 162 sqq.