Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/281

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CHAPTER XII GERMANY AND ITALY IN THE TENTH AND ELEVENTH CENTURIES I. THE TIMES OF HENRY I AND OTTO THE GREAT The following account of the events in Germany in 102. Ger- the first half of the tenth century was prepared by a ^^^ monk at Treves in 960-961. He made use, for the century, earlier part of his narrative, of certain meager annals, continuation some of which have come down to us. The sources all f . Re ^, n( f s Chronicle.) agree in giving a gloomy account of invasion, pillage, and civil war, which even wise and energetic German kings were unable to prevent. In the year 907* of the Incarnation the Bavarians were defeated with great bloodshed by the Hungarians. Duke Luitbald was killed in this battle, and his son Arnulf suc- ceeded him in the duchy. In the year 908 of the Incarnation the Hungarians again crossed the borders and devastated Saxony and Thuringia. In the year 909 of the Incarnation the Hungarians forced their way into Alemannia. In the year 910 of the Incarnation the Franconians fought on the frontier of Franconia and Bavaria with the Hungarians and were miserably defeated or put to flight. Count Geb- hard lost his life in the battle and left behind him two sons, still boys, Udo and Hermann, who were later to become dis- tinguished in Franconia. 1 Regino's Chronicle (see above, p. 169), of which the present work is a continuation, closes with the year 906. 245