Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/312

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Readings in European History Following the ordinances of the holy fathers, as we decreed in our former councils held by the mercy of God concerning the regulation of ecclesiastical offices, so also now by apos- tolic authority we decree and confirm : that, if any one shall henceforth receive a bishopric or abbey from the hands of any lay person, he shall by no means be reckoned among the bishops and abbots ; nor shall any hearing be granted him as bishop or abbot. Moreover we further deny him the favor of St. Peter and entrance to the Church, until, coming to his senses, he shall surrender the position that he has appropriated through criminal ambition and disobe- dience which is the sin of idolatry. We decree, more- over, that the same rule be observed in the case of inferior ecclesiastical positions. Likewise if any emperor, king, duke, margrave, count, or any secular dignitary or person shall presume to bestow the investiture with bishoprics, or with any ecclesiastical office, let him know that he is bound by the bonds of the same condemnation. And, furthermore, unless he come to his senses and relinquish her prerogatives to the Church, let him feel, in this present life, the divine wrath both in body and estate, in order that at the Lord's coming his soul may be saved. The two letters which follow serve to show the atti- tude of mind of the pope and of the emperor on the eve of open hostilities. Bishop Gregory, servant of the servants of God, to King Henry, greeting and apostolic benediction : that is, if he be obedi- ent to the apostolic chair as beseems a Christian king: For we cannot but hesitate to send thee our benediction when we seriously consider the strictness of the Judge to whom we shall have to render account for the ministry intrusted to us by St. Peter, chief of the apostles. For thou art said knowingly to associate with men excommu- nicated by a judgment of the apostolic chair and by sentence of a synod. If this be true, thou thyself dost