Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/346

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Readings in European History Germany in the Middle Ages, pp. 246-290 ; Short History of Germany, pp. 78-90 ; TOUT, pp. 245-273. Peace of Venice : HENDERSON, Historical Documents, pp. 425-430. Henry VI: BEMONT and MONOD, pp. 319-321; BRYCE, Chapter XIII, first part, pp. 205-207 ; EMERTON, pp. 314-316 ; HENDERSON, Ger- many in the Middle Ages, pp. 291-317; Short History of Germany, pp. 90-92 ; TOUT, pp. 304-312. Innocent III and the Imperial Election : BEMONT and MONOD, pp. 321-325; EMERTON, pp. 316-332; HENDERSON, Germany in the Middle Ages, pp. 318-337; TOUT, pp. 313-335. The Dispute with King John: COLBY, pp. 72-73; HENDERSON, Historical Documents, pp. 430-432 ; LEE, pp. 155-164. Frederick II : BEMONT and MONOD, pp. 325-335 ; BRYCE, Chapter XIII, latter part, pp. 207-211 ; EMERTON, pp. 343-352; HENDERSON, Germany in the Middle Ages, pp. 337-401 ; Short History of Germany, pp. 92-101 ; TOUT, pp. 358-392. The Imperial Claims of the Hohenstaufens : BRYCE, Chapter XII, pp. 182-203. BALZANI, The Popes and the Hohenstaufens (Epochs of Church History). KINGTON-OLIPHANT, History of Frederick II, 2 vols. Rather old, but the most complete account in English. FISHER, Medieval Empire, referred to above ; also GREGOROVIUS, Vol. IV, Book VII, Chapters III-VII ; Vol. V, Book IX, Chapters I-VI; MILMAN, Vol. IV, Book VII, Chapters VII and IX; Book IX, Chapters I-V; Vol. V, Book X; NEWMAN, pp. 511-518; and MATHEWS, pp. 68-163, for some of the documents. C. Materials In the great series of Jahrbucher der deutschen Geschichte (see above ' p> 26x ) the followin g re] ate to the period under consideration: BERNHARDI, Lothar -von Supplinburg, 1879; and Konrad III, 1883; TOECHE, Kaiser Heinrich VI, 1867 5 WINKELMANN, Philipp von Schwaben und Otto IV von Braunschweig, 2 vols., 1873-1878; and Kaiser Friedrich II, 2 vols. (to 1233), 1889-1897. The volumes on Frederick Barbarossa have not yet appeared. jASTROW-WlNTER, Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Hohen- staufen, Vol. I, 1897. LANGEN, Geschichte der romischen Kirche, Vol. IV (von Gregor VII bis Innocenz III), 1893. LAMPRECHT, Deutsche Geschichte, Vol. III.