Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/381

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The Crusades 345 outline without notes called Geschichte des Konigreiches Jerusalem im UmrisSj 1898. Also, Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges, 1891, with notes. PRUTZ, Culturgeschichte der JCreuzzilge, 1883. This is the best work on the general conditions in the Prankish kingdoms in Palestine. KUGLER, Geschichte der Kreuzziige, 2d ed., 1891 (Oncken Series). This is a good general treatment, but contains practically no notes or references. For the history of the East in general, see HERTZBERG, Geschichte der Byzantiner und des osmanischen Reiches, 1883, an< ^ MULLER, Der Islam (see above, p. 125), both in the Oncken Series. On the institutions: DODU, Histoire des institutions monarchiques dans le Royaume Latin de Jerusalem. For the military orders: GMELIN, Schuld oder Unschuld des Tempel- ordens, 1893; DELISLE, Operations financieres des Templiers, 1889; LEA, History of the Inquisition, Vol. Ill, Chapter V. The best account of the sources for the opening of the crusades will be found in SYBEL, Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges, 2d ed., 1881. By far the most comprehensive collection of the sources themselves is that issued under the auspices of the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres, called Recueil des historiens des croisades, in fourteen ponderous but magnificently printed folio volumes, 1841-1898. Five volumes are devoted to the western writers, two to the Greek histo- rians, five to the Arabian, two to the laws of the kingdom of Jerusalem, and one to Armenian documents. The Greek text is accompanied by a Latin translation, and the Arabic and Armenian material is translated into French. GUIZOT, Collection des Memoires (see above, p. 220), contains some of the most celebrated writers: FULCHER OF CHARTRES, who went on the First Crusade and kept a diary; ROBERT THE MONK (see above, p. 312); WILLIAM OF TYRE, the earlier part of whose work is now discredited ; and, for the later period, JACQUES DE VITRY. The sources. Recueil des histori- ens des croisades.