Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/389

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The Mcdiai-al Church at its Height 353 Extreme unction. tcond comes confession with the mouth, to which it per- ns that the sinner should make confession to his priest all the sins he holds in his memory. The third is satis- faction for sins according to the judgment of the priest, and this is made chiefly by prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. The form of this sacrament consists in the words of abso- lution which the priest speaks when he says, " I absolve thee," etc. ; and the minister of this sacrament is the priest, who has authority to absolve either regularly or by the com- mission of a superior. The benefit of this sacrament is absolution from sins. The fifth sacrament is extreme unction, and the material is oil of the olive, blessed by a bishop. This sacrament shall not be given to any except the sick who are in fear of death. They shall be anointed in the following places : the eyes on account of the sight, the ears on account of the hearing, the nostrils on account of smell, the mouth on account of taste and speech, the hands on account of touch, the feet on account of walking, and the loins as the seat of pleasure. The form of this sacrament is as follows : "Through this holy unction and his most tender compas- sion, the Lord grants thee forgiveness for whatever sins thou hast committed by the sight," and in the same way for the other members. The minister of this sacrament is a priest. The benefit is even the healing of the mind and, so far as is expedient, of the body also. Of this sacrament the blessed apostle James says: " Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord : and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." The sixth sacrament is ordination. The material for the Ordination, priesthood is the cup with the wine and the paten with the bread ; for the deaconate, the books of the Gospel ; for the subdeaconate, an empty cup placed upon an empty paten ; and in like manner, other offices are conferred by giving to the candidates those things which pertain to their