Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/401

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The Mediceval Church at its Height 365 into the midst of the flames. One of the heretics, who was reported to be their bishop, had fallen on his back in the fire. The toad took his place on this man's face and in the sight of all ate out the heretic's tongue. By the next day his whole body, except his bones, had been turned into disgusting toads, which could not be counted for their great number. The inhabitants, seeing the miracle, glorified God and praised him in his servants, the Preaching Friars, because the Lord had, in his mercy, delivered them from the horror of such pollution. God omnipotent surely wished to show through the most Consummate unseemly and filthiest of animals, how foul and infamous guilt of hcr6sv are the teachings of heretics, so that all might thereafter carefully shun the heretic as they would the poisonous toad. Just as among four-footed creatures the toad is held the foulest, so the teachings of the heretic are more debased and filthy than those of any other religious sect. The blind- ness of heresy justifies the perfidy of the Jews. Its pollu- tion makes the madness of the Mohammedans a pure thing in contrast. The licentiousness of the heretics would leave Sodom and Gomorrah stainless. What is held most enor- mous in crime becomes most holy when compared with the shame and ignominy of heresy. Therefore, dear Christian, flee this unspeakable evil, in comparison with which all other crimes are as trifles. Two men, simply clad but not without guile, not sheep 145. Two but ravening wolves, came to Besangon, feigning the greatest here tics piety. Moreover they were pale and thin, they went about c i es with " barefooted and fasted daily, they did not miss a single morn- the devil's ing the matins in the cathedral, nor did they accept anything: "* ( From , J to the Dialogues from any one except a little food. When by this hypocrisy O f Csesar of they had attracted the attention of every one, they began Heister- to vomit forth their hidden poison and to preach to the a ignorant new and unheard-of heresies. In order, moreover, that the people might believe their teachings, they ordered meal to be sifted on the sidewalk and walked on it without leaving a trace of a footprint. Likewise, walking upon the