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370 Readings in European History English, translated by EALES, Life and Works of St. Bernard, 4 vols., 1889 s qi- The Sententiae of PETER LOMBARD are in MIGNE, Vol. CXCII. Older separate editions are very easily procured. The works of ALBERTUS MAGNUS are expensive and rarely found even in large libraries, but there is more chance of getting hold of the far more important works of THOMAS AQUINAS, of which a very fine edition is now being published at Rome under the papal auspices. DENZINGER, Enchiridion Symbolorum et Definitionum quae de rebus fidei et morum a Conciliis oecumenicis et summis Pontificibus emanave- runt, Wiirzburg, several editions. A very convenient and inexpensive collection of official pronouncements in regard to important matters of faith, fully indexed. LEA, A History of Auricular Confession and Indulgences, 3 vols., 1896. Contains a very full discussion of the teachings of the various theologians in regard to these two important subjects. For the spirit of the Church and its role in the social life of the period, see, above all, MICHAEL, Culturzustdnde des deutschen Volkes wdhrend des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts, Vol. II, 1899 a ^ so Histoire de France, edited by LAVISSE, Vol. Ill, Part II, pp. 355 sqq. (by LANGLOIS). In addition to the writers of the time, many of whom have much to say of the conditions in the Church, especially of the evil, the student will turn for impressions of the religion of the people to the tales and sermon stories of CAESAR OF HEISTERBACH, of JACQUES DE VITRY, and of STEPHEN OF BOURBON, illustrations of which were given above, pp. 355 S 99' ( see li st f citations at the opening of this volume, Nos. 136, 137, and 139). He will also consult the few reports of episcopal visita- tions, especially those of EUDES DE RIGAUD, bishop of Rouen, mentioned below, pp. 378 sqq., and the English Episcopal Registers, a list of which may be found in GROSS, Sources of English History, for example, that of BISHOP GRANDISSON of Exeter (1327-1369), Part I, pp. 570-579. Le Livre de Guillaume le Maire, described by LANGLOIS in the new His- toire de France (see above), is a most interesting memorial of a bishop under Philip the Fair; it is published in Melanges historiques, Tome II, in the Documents inedits (see above, p. 220).