Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/436

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4OO Readings in European History 158. A manor in Sussex (1307)- Complicated services ren- dered for a house and 30 acres of land. Extent of the manor of Bernehorne, made on Wednesday following the feast of St. Gregory the pope, in the thirty- fifth year of the reign of King Edward, in the presence of Brother Thomas, keeper of Marley, John de la More, and Adam de Thruhlegh, clerks, on the oath of William de Gocecoumbe, Walter le Parker, Richard le Knyst, Richard the son of the latter, Andrew of Estone, Stephen Morsprich, Thomas Brembel, William of Swynham, John Pollard, Roger le Glide, John Syward, and John de Lillingewist, who say that there are all the following holdings : . . . John Pollard holds a half acre in Aldithewisse and owes i8d. at the four terms, and owes for it relief and heriot. John Suthinton holds a house and 40 acres of land and owes 35. 6d. at Easter and Michaelmas. William of Swynham holds i acre of meadow in the thicket of Swynham and owes id. at the feast of Michaelmas. Ralph of Leybourne holds a cottage and i acre of land in Pinden and owes 35. at Easter and Michaelmas, and attend- ance at the court in the manor every three weeks, also relief and heriot. Richard Knyst of Swynham holds 2 acres and a half of land and owes yearly 45. William of Knelle holds 2 acres of land in Aldithewisse and owes yearly 43. Roger le Glede holds a cottage and 3 roods of land and owes 2S. 6d. at Easter and Michaelmas. Alexander Hamound holds a little piece of land near Aldewisse and owes i goose of the value of 2d. The sum of the whole rent of the free tenants, with the value of the goose, is i8s. Qd. They say, moreover, that John of Cayworth holds a house and 30 acres of land, and owes yearly 2s. at Easter and Michaelmas; and he owes a cock and two hens at Christ- mas of the value of 4d. And he ought to harrow for 2 days at the Lenten sowing with one man and his own horse and his own harrow, the value of the work being 4d. ; and he is to receive from the lord on each day 3 meals, of the value of 5d., and then