Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/447

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The People in Country and Town 41 1 Also, that no one of the said trade shall work on Satur- days, after nones has been rung out in the city; and not from that hour until the Monday morning following. In honour of God, of our Lady, and of All Saints, and for 165. Rules the nurture of tranquillity and peace among the good folk, * th ^ it gulld the Megucers, called white-tawyers, 1 the folk of the same tawyers. trade have, by assent of Richard Lacer, mayor, and of the Aldermen, ordained the points underwritten. In the first place, they have ordained that they will furnish a wax candle, to burn before our Lady, in the church of All- hallows, near London wall. Also, that each person of the said trade shall put in the box such sum as he shall think fit, in aid of maintaining the said candle. Also, if by chance any of the said trade shall fall into poverty, whether through old age or because he cannot labor or work, and shall have nothing with which to keep him- self, he shall have every week from the said box seven pence for his support, if he be a man of good repute. And after his decease, if he have a wife, a woman of good repute, she shall have weekly for her support seven pence from the said box, so long as she shall behave herself well and keep single. And that no stranger shall work in the said trade, or keep a house for the same in the city, if he be not an apprentice, or a man admitted to the franchise of the said city. And that no one shall take the serving man of another to work with him, during his term, unless it be with the per- mission of his master. And if any one of the said trade shall have work in his house that he cannot complete, or if for want of assistance such work shall be in danger of being lost, those of the said trade shall aid him, that so the said work be not lost. And if any one of the said trade shall depart this life, and have not withal to be buried, he shall be buried at the 1 Those who dressed leather in such a way as to give it a white surface.