Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/507

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The Hundred Years' War 471 The prince of Wales, who was courageous and cruel as a lion, took that day great pleasure to fight and chase his enemies. The lord John Chandos, who was with him, all that day never left him nor never took heed of taking any prisoner. Then at the end of the battle he said to the prince, "Sir, it were good that you rested here and set your banner a-high in this bush, that your people may draw hither, for they be sore spread abroad, nor can I see no more ban- ners nor pennons of the French party. Wherefore, sir, rest and refresh you, for ye be sore chafed." [Then the prince sent two lords to get news of the French king.] These two lords took their horses and departed from the prince and rode up a little hill to look about them. Then they perceived a flock of men-at-arms coming together right slowly, and there was the French king afoot in great peril, for the Englishmen and Gascons were his masters. They had taken him from Sir Denis Morbeke perforce, and such as were most of force said, " I have taken him " ; " Nay," quoth another, "I have taken him." So they strave which should have him. Then the French king, to eschew that peril, said, " Sirs, strive not : lead me courteously, and my son, to my cousin the prince, and strive not for my taking, for I am so great a lord as to make you all rich." The king's words somewhat appeased them. Howbeit, ever as they went they made riot and brawled for the taking of the king. When the two aforesaid lords saw and heard that noise and strife among them, they came to them and said, " Sirs, what is the matter that ye strive for ? " " Sirs," said one of them, " it is for the French king, who -is here taken pris- oner, and there be more than ten knights and squires that challenge the taking of him and of his son." Then the two lords entered into the press and caused every man to draw back, and commanded them in the prince's name, on pain of their heads, to make no more noise nor to approach the king no nearer without they were commanded. Then every man gave room to the lords, and they alighted and did their reverence to the king, and so brought him and his son in peace to the prince of Wales. . . .