Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/537

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The Popes and the Councils 501 by temporale almes of Mary Mawdeleyne ande other holy wymmen, as tho gospel sais. Ande see ye wisely, whether oure popis, makyng stronge palayces with pore mennes lyve- lodis, with al ther glorie of richesses and jewelis, acordem with this porenes of Criste. Tho thrid tyme, See, yee Cristen pepul, tho charitabul lyif of Crist, ande like whether oure popis contrarien hym. Where he was moste bisye in spirituale occupacione, these popis bene most bisy in delynge of beneficis to him that moste muck brynggen or worldly favour. Where Criste willefully gafe tribute to tho emperoure, these popis robben cristes rewenes by the furste frutes of mony thowsande poundis, by manyschynge of suspendyng and enterdytynge of londis. Where Criste mekely travelid with grete penaunce upon his fete for to preche tho gospel, these popes, more then emperoures, resten in palaycis chargid with pretious in ther feete and in al ther stynkynge carione, ande prechen not tho gospel to Cristen men, but crien ever aftur glorye and riches, and make newe lawes for to magnify ther worldly state, that Crist and his apostlis durste never do.- Where Crist gafe his precious blode and lyif for to make pes and charite, these popis maken ande mayntenys werre thoroweout Cristendame, for to hold ther worldly state, moste contrarie ageyne Crist and his apostlis, ande herto spenden tho almes of kyngis, and oppressen Cristen rewenes by newe subsidies. And, that is werst, thai senden indulgencis, foundid as thai faynen on Cristis charite and his dethe, to sle alle men contrarie to theire lustis. Certis this semes contrarious to Crist and his lovers. Seynt Robert Grosthede 1 sais that this court is cause, welle, and begynnynge of destruccione of Cristendame, and loser of al tho worlde. Ande trewly, if thai be thus contrary to Crist in lyvynge and techyng, as ther open dedis and tho world crien, thai ben cursid here- tikis, manquellars bodily and gostly, Anticrist, and Sathanas 1 Bishop of Lincoln (d. 1253), an ardent advocate of reform.