Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/551

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The Popes and the Councils 515 CREIGHTON, History of the Papacy from the Schism to the Sack of B. Addi- Rome, 6 vols. The first volume of this great work is far the best tional read- account in English of the Great Schism, and of the Council of Constance, l p g *, M , with a good review of Wycliffe's doctrines. PASTOR, History of the Pope's, Vol. I. Gives a brief but excellent review of the effects of the Great Schism and of the results of the council from the standpoint of a learned Catholic. POOLE, Illustrations of Mediaeval Thought. Has good cnapters on Marsiglio of Padua and Wycliffe. VAN DYKE, The Age of Renascence. A sketch of the papacy Cambridge Modern History, Vol. I, Chapter XVIII. LEA, History of the Inquisition, Vol. II, Chapter VII. Deals with the trial of Huss. Histoire de France, Vol. Ill, Part II, for Philip the Fair and Boniface. VALOIS, La France et le grand Schisme d'Occident, 4 vols., Paris, 1896-1902. Not confined narrowly to France and constituting the most important treatment of the subject, with references to the sources. GAYET, Le grand Schisme d" 1 Occident, 2 vols., Paris, 1898. Not so good as the preceding, but gives some important sources. THEODERICUS DE NYEM, De Scismate libri tres, edited by ERLER, Leipzig, 1890. Written by one who was associated with the Roman pope Urban VI, and the only source readily obtainable in a modern edition. It closes with 1410. SCHWAB, Johannes Gerson, 1858. The best life of Gerson, one of the most interesting men of the time. For the Council of Constance the chief collection of sources, pam- phlets of the time, proceedings and decrees of the council, is VON DER HARDT, Magnum oecumenicum Constantiensis Concilittm, six large vol- umes, 1700. FINKE, Acta Concilii Constantiensis, Vol. I, 1896. The first volume of a new critical collection of the sources; it contains documents relat- ing to the antecedents of the assembly. HUBLER, Die Konstanzer Reformation, 1867. An excellent little guide to the material. HALLER, Papstthum und Kirchenreforme, vier Kapitel zur Geschichte des ausgehenden Mittelalters, Vol. I, Berlin, 1903. LOSERTH, Geschichte des spateren Mittelalters, 1 903. Gives a brief but critical account of the events, and remarkable bibliographies for the schism and the councils : see especially pp. 400 sqq. and 462 sqq. C. Mate- rials for advanced study.