Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/582

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546 Readings in European History Bouquet, 219. Bruno, archbishop of Cologne, 259 sq. Burghers, see Towns. Burnt Njal, Story of, 152 sqq, C^SAR of Heisterbach, 355, 365^., 370- Canon law, 369. Canons, definition of, 68. Canossa, 282 sq. Canterbury, 99. Capitularies, extracts from, 1 35 sqq., 148. Cardinals, 375^. Carmina Burana, 463. Cartulaires, 193. Cassiodorus, 56, 59. Cathari, 384, note. Catholic Church, early conception of, t)sqq. Cellini, 531 sqq. Charlemagne, 126 sqq. Charles of Lorraine, 194 sq. Charles the Bald, 1 56 sqq. Charles the Bold, 477 sqq. Charles the Fat, 167 sq. Chartularium universitatis Pari- siensis, 465. Childeric III, 120. Christianity and paganism, i^sqq. Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain, 243. Chronicon Urspergense, 311. Church, C) sqq.; power of, 346^^.; revenues of, 361 sqq.; abuses in, 508 sqq. Church and State, 21 sqq., 284 sqq., 346 sqq., 492 sqq. Church and the Roman emperors, 21 sqq. Church histories, 82, note. Cities, German, 296^^.; Italian, 33W 5 l6 sqq. Civil power, relations of, to the' papacy, 21 sqq., 284 sqq. Clement of Rome, 63, note, 64. Clement VII, antipope, 507. Clergy, 24, 25, 358 sqq., 370 sqq., 488 sqq., 492 sqq., 497 sqq. Clericis Laicos, bull, 488 sqq. Clermont, Council of, Clovis, 51 sqq. ; conversion of, 52 sqq. Coal, 301. Codex Carolinus, 149. Collection de textes pour servir a Fetude de Fhistoire, 220. Collection des documents inedits, 220. Cologne, Annals of, C)6sqq. Columba, St., 104. Columban, St., life of, in. Commendation, 175^. Commines, 477 sqq., 487. Condottiere, 516^. Confession, sacrament of, 353, 356 sq., 499. Confirmation, sacrament of, 350 sq. Conrad I, 246. Constance, Council of, 511 sqq. Constantine, 22, note, 23. Convito of Dante, 522 sqq., 542. Copying of books, 527 sq. Corpus Juris Canonici, 369. Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, 85. Cosimo de' Medici, library of, 53 s f- Council of Constance, 511 sq. Councils, 488 sqq. Crecy, battle of, 466-5-^. Crusaders, 317 sqq., 331, 337 sqq. Crusades, 214 sqq., 312 sqq. C ulture of the Middle Ages, 43 1 sqq, Customs, 406 sqq. Cyprian, 19 sqq.; on appeals to the bishop of Rome, 66. DAHLMANN- W AITZ, Quellenkunde, 10, note. Dante, 520 sqq. Decretals, papal, 68 arid note, 265, 369. Defensor Pads, 491 sqq. Denifle, 465, 473 sqq., 487. Denzinger, Enchiridion, 370. Despots, Italian, 516^^. Devil and his wicked angels, 89 sqq. Dialogues of Gregory the Great, 76 sq. Dictatus of Gregory VII, 274 sq. Dietrich Vrie, 510.