Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/584

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54 8 Readings in European History* Heaven, Bede's description of, 83 sqq. ; description of, in Koran, 1 1 8 sq. Hefele, 84. Hell, Bede's description of, 93 sqq. ; in Koran, 118 sq. Henry I of England, 205. Henry I of Germany, 246 sq. Henry IV, 266 sq q. ; letter of, to Gregory VII, 279 sqq. ; excom- munication of, 28u<7. ; penance of, at Canossa, 282 sq. Henry V of Germany, 296 sq. Heresy, Cyprian on, 21 ; attitude of Roman government toward, 26; 364^*7., 371 sqq.; laws against, 384 sqq. Heriot, 402 sq. Hermann of Reichenau, 264. Hildebrand, see Gregory VII. Hincmar of Rheims, 170. Histoire litter air e de la France, 220. Historical atlases, 13. Historical knowledge in the Mid- dle Ages, 444 sqq. Hodgkin, 56. Homage, ijqsqq. Honorius, Emperor, 42 sq. Hrosvita, 264. Hugh Capet, 194^^. Humanism, 520 sqq. Hundred Years' War, Hungarians, 245 sqq., 251. Huns, 31, 35^^., 46 sqq. IMMUNITY, 171 sqq. Indelible characters, 349. Indulgences 339 sq., 477. Innocent III, 338-5^. Inquisition, 397. Investiture, 272 sqq. ; decrees for- bidding lay, 275 sq. ; settlement of question of, 290 sqq. Irenaeus, 63 sq. Irish missionaries in England, I0 3 sqq. Italian cities, 303 sqq. Italian language, 522 sqq. JACQUES DE VITRY, 345, 356 sq., 370. Jaffe*, Regesta pontificum, 85. Jahrbiicher der deutschen Ge- schichte, 147, 261 sq., 294, 310. James, William, on monasticism, 88 sq. Jerome, on barbarian invasions, 44 sq. ; on monastic life, 86 sq. ; on the equality of the bishops, 66. Jerusalem, capture of, 327 sqq. Jews, 333, 339, 426 sqq. John of England, 209 sqq., 231 sqq. John of France, 470 sqq. John XII, 253 sq. Joinville, 212 sqq. Jordanes, 59. KENT, missionaries' arrival in, 97 sqq. Kirchenlexikon, 84. Koran, the, 114^.; extracts from, 124. LAMBERT of Hersfeld, 264. Langlois, Manuel de bibliographiey 10, note. Langlois and Seignobos, Introduc- tion to the Study of History, 12. Laws of the barbarians, 57. Layettes du Tresor des Chartres* 193- Lea, H. C., 370, 396. Lecky, European Morals, 17. Leonardo da Vinci, 535 sqq. Leo the Great, 49 sqq., 69 sqq. Leo III, 131 sq. Libelli de lite, 295. Liber pontificalis, 85. Liege, A finals of, 299 sqq. Little Flowers of St. Francis, 396. Liutprand, 2^^ sqq., 264, 340^^. Lives of the Saints, 113. Lollards, 500 sqq. Lombard towns, 303 sqq. Lombards besiege Rome, 122 sqq Lothaire, i^sqq. Louis the Child, 246. Louis the Fat, 198 sqq. Louis the German, Louis the Pious, 155 sqq. Louis, St., 212 sqq. Louis XI of France, 481 sqq. Luchaire, Manuel of, 192. Luke of Tuy,