Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/59

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Western Europe before the Barbarian Invasions 23 duly adore and venerate the gods nor yet worship the god of the Christians, we, with our wonted clemency, have judged it wise to extend a pardon even to these men and permit them once more to become Christians and reestablish their places of meeting ; in such manner, however, that they shall in no way offend against good order. We propose to notify the magistrates in another mandate in regard to the course that they should pursue. Wherefore it should be the duty of the Christians, in view of our clemency, to pray to their god for our welfare, for that of the Empire, and for their own, so that the Empire may remain intact in all its parts, and that they themselves may live safely in their habitations. When under Theodosius II a collection of the laws 7. The of the Roman Empire was published (438), the edicts constantine which had been issued by Constantine and the succeed- andhissuc- ing emperors in regard to the Christian religion, the relating to privileges of the clergy, the status of heretics, etc., fctheThea- were conveniently brought together in the last book of dosian Code, the new code. The very first title, On the Catholic Faith, makes it clear that the government would tolerate no one who disagreed with the particular form of Christian belief which the state chose to sanction. We desire that all those who are under the sway of our The Roman clemency shall adhere to that religion which, according to government J , , . orders every his own testimony, coming down even to our own day, the one to accept blessed apostle Peter delivered to the Romans, namely, the the view of doctrine which the pontiff Damasus [bishop of Rome] and ^^" b lty Peter, bishop of Alexandria, a man of apostolic sanctity, the Council accept. According to the teachings of the apostles and of of Nicaea. the Gospel we believe in one Godhead of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the blessed Trinity, alike in majesty. We ordain that the name of Catholic Christians shall apply to all those who obey this present law. All others we judge to be mad and demented ; we declare them guilty of the