Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/155

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Course of tJie Protestant Revolt in Germa?ty 1 1 7 Given in the imperial city of Augsburg belonging to us [namely, Charles V], King Ferdinand, and to the Holy Empire, on the twenty-fifth day of the month of September, since the birth of Christ our dear Lord one thousand five hundred and fifty-five, in the twenty-fifth year of our reign as emperor and in the twenty-ninth as ruler of our other realms. Ferdinand (. BIBLIOGRAPHY Revolt Of the Knights : Hausse.r, Period of the Reformation, pp. 72- A. Refer- 87; Henderson, Short History of Germany, Vol. I, pp. 285-307. ences. Peasant War : Hausser, pp. 92-105 ; Henderson, Vol. I, pp. 308- 332 ; Cambridge Modem History, Vol. II, pp. 174-197 ; Kostlin, Life of Luther, pp. 304-324. Progress of Protestantism before 1530 : Dyer, Modem Europe, Vol. II, pp. 50-67; Cambridge Modem History, Vol. II, pp. 142-173 and 197-205. Diet of Augsburg: Dyer, Vol. II, pp. 92-99; Kostlin, pp. 402-426. The Schmalkaldic War : Johnson, Europe in the Sixteenth Cen- tury, pp. 220-252 ; Henderson, Vol. I, pp. 363-394 ; Cambridge Modern History, Vol. II, pp. 232-279. Janssen, History of the German People, Vol. IV, pp. 121-369, " The B. Addi- Social Revolution." Vols. V-VI carry the history of Germany down tional read- to the " so-called « religious peace of Augsburg.' " "eVJiisJi Ranke, History of the Reformation, Vols. II and III. The German original covers the period to 1555, but the English translation closes with the year 1534. Armstrong, History of Charles V, 2 vols., 1902. Best recent account. Bezold, Lamprecht, and Egelhaaf (see above, pp. 51 sq.) cover c. Materials this period. for advanced Hefele, Conciliengeschichte. Vol. IX, by Cardinal Hergenrbther, stu >'• comes down to 1536. Pastor, Die kirchlichen Reunionsbestrebungen wdhrend der Regie- rung Karl s V, Freiburg, 1879. SCHADE, Satiren und Pasquille aus der Reformationszeit, 3 vols., 1863. A curious collection of the popular verses and pamphlets, often humorous or semi-humorous, relating to the topics of the time. Indis- pensable to an understanding of popular feeling. I Baumgarten, Geschichte Karls V, 3 vols., 1885-1892. Coming down to 1539.