Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/209

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The Catholic Reformation 171 think that she really likes to hear Mariola sing ; and she is right, for she sings very well, only she is so fat and big that she can scarcely get through the door. I am ready to believe that Lady Anna de Mendoza takes as good care of your little brothers as you, my eldest daughter, say that she does. The other day some one gave me what I have inclosed in this box and said that it was a sweet lime. I think, just the same, that it is only a lemon, but nevertheless wanted to send it to you. If it is really a sweet lime, I have never seen one so big. I do not know if it will still be good when it gets to you. If it is, taste it and let me know what it proves to be, for I cannot believe that a lime ever was so big, and consequently shall be pleased to be enlightened by you. The little lemon which is in the box with it is only to fill up the space. I am sending you also some roses and an orange flower, just to let you see that we have them here. Calabres brings me bunches of both these flowers every day, and we have had violets for a long time. There are no jonquils here ; if there were, they ought to have blossomed by this time, since we have these other flowers. After this rainy time I imagine that you will be having flowers, too, by the time my sister arrives, or soon after. God keep you as I would have him ! V. The Revolt of the Netherlands The Netherlands comprise thirteen provinces, to wit, three lordships, four duchies, and six counties. The atmos- phere is heavy and the sky almost always overcast. Owing to the frequent changes in the wind, one has warm weather and cold several times in the same day. Flanders abounds in various commodities, but produces no wine. Artois raises more grain than all the rest of the country together. Hol- land enjoys an income of eight hundred thousand crowns yearly from its butter and cheese. The number of towns, large, medium, and small, amount to some hundred and 282. A Venetian ambassa- dor's de- scription of the Netherlands in 1557. (Extracts, condensed.)