Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/237

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The Catholic Reformation 199 For economic matters, see especially Cunningham, The Growth of English Industry and Commerce, Vol. II, and Ashley, English Eco- nomic History, Vol. I, Part II. The great Dictionary of National Biography, edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee (63 vols., 1885-1900), is of constant use to the historical student. For the travels and expanding commerce of this period, see Bibliog- raphy at the close of Chapter XXXIII, below. For the sources of this period, see above, p. 155. To the list there Sources, given may be added : Camden (1 551-1623), Annates rerum Anglicarum regnante Eliza- betha. Translation in Ken net, Collection of English History, Vol. II. Strype (1643-1737), Ecclesiastical Memorials, 6 vols. ; Annals of the Reformation, 7 vols., Oxford edition. Strype also published lives of Cranmer, Whitgift, and Parker. He is more voluminous than critical and must be used with care. Burnet (see below, p. 253), History of the Reformation, edited by Pocock, 7 vols. Valuable for copious extracts from sources. Fox (1516-15S7), Book of Martyrs : The Acts and Monuments of the Church. Innumerable editions .since the first in 1563. Fox was too partisan to be critical. He used rumors and hearsay evidence, willfully exaggerated, and included many persons executed for secular offenses. The statutes and state papers (see above, p. 155) are also indispen- sable for every phase of the Elizabethan period. Prothero, Select Statutes and Other Constitutional Documents Illus- trative of the Reigns of Elizabeth and fames I, 1894. This handy volume contains important statutes of the reign and materials on parlia- mentary, judicial, military, and ecclesiastical affairs. The student should be aware of the existence of great collections of miscellaneous material, like the publications of the Camden Society, of the Parker Society, of the Early English Text Society, etc., also of Original Letters Illustrative of English History, edited by Ellis. See exhaustive bibliography in Cambridge Modem History, Vol. Ill, pp. 810 sqq. Prothero's Select Statutes.